For homeowners only.

Please use (786) 550-3083 for guest-related calls


Elevate your service and achieve your home's full potential

Experience premium vacation rental management, transparent communication, and unbeatable earnings

100% Owner Retention

No Hidden Fees

Risk-Free Guarantee

100% Owner Retention

No Hidden/Added Fees

Risk-Free Guarantee

Crafting unforgettable experiences for owners and guests with elevated boutique management

Crafting unforgettable experiences for owners and guests with elevated boutique management

At Vacay Spot, we're not just another vacation rental management company; we're boutique enthusiasts. We go above and beyond to handpick properties and create exceptional experiences that delight owners and guests alike. Elevate your property's potential with us and discover the art of boutique hospitality.

Featured Across 65+ Online Booking Platforms, Such As:

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Featured Across 65+ Online Booking Platforms, Such As:

airbnb logo
Hopper Logo

Why Choose Us


Revenue Maximization

Unlock the full potential of duplex and multifamily homes with VacaySpot. Our boutique focused approach, combined with our dedication to crafting memorable guest stays, cultivates a stream of enthusiastic reviews and returning guests earning maximum income

Innovative Marketing

Showcase your home across a network of 65+ premier online booking platforms with our innovative marketing, capturing their essence with expert photography, personalized property descriptions, and igniting visibility and occupancy through strategic SEO and digital marketing campaigns

house keeping

Professional Property Styling

Level up earning potentials with our expert property styling advice, enhancing the appeal of the rental. We transform spaces into captivating retreats, with customized touches such as guest books created for each home, attracting guests who appreciate the finer details for lasting memories.

Dedicated Owner Partnerships

At our company, we're not just property managers; we're your dedicated partners. Our unwavering commitment to owners creates a seamless experience, translating into higher earnings, unmatched support, and a trusted partnership that stands the test of time


Why Choose Us


Revenue Maximization

Unlock the full potential of duplex and multifamily homes with Vacay Spot. Our boutique focused approach, combined with our dedication to crafting memorable guest stays, cultivates a stream of enthusiastic reviews and returning guests earning maximum income


Innovative Marketing

Showcase your home across a network of 65+ premier online booking platforms with our innovative marketing, capturing their essence with expert photography, personalized property descriptions, and igniting visibility and occupancy through strategic SEO and digital marketing campaigns

woman sweeping

Professional Property Styling

Level up earning potentials with our expert property styling advice, enhancing the appeal of the rental. We transform spaces into captivating retreats, attracting guests who appreciate the finer details for lasting memories.


Dedicated Owner Partnerships

At our company, we're not just property managers; we're your dedicated partners. Our unwavering commitment to owners creates a seamless experience, translating into higher earnings, unmatched support, and a trusted partnership that stands the test of time

Estimate Your Vacation Rental Income Potential

What if you could get more rental income from your Miami, FL vacation rental and leave the hassle to a professional?

About The Founder

Located in Miami, Vacay Spot Homes is a testament to the vision of its founder, Victor "Victorious" Barroso, Jr. Victor's journey, marked by tragedy and triumph, is a testament to his indomitable spirit. From surviving a life-threatening accident to facing injustice as a political prisoner, Victor's resilience and determination are the cornerstones of Vacay Spot Homes. His commitment to delivering top-tier quality and creating unforgettable experiences is at the heart of our brand.

Find out out how much your home could earn with

Our Professional Services

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Design Services

Experience a truly hands-off ownership journey with our comprehensive design services. From interior transformations to creating captivating spaces, we ensure your property shines to it's true potential and earns top dollar

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Realtor Partnership

A seamless and worry-free process whether you're buying or selling your home with our dedicated realtor services. Our expert team is here to guide you through every step, ensuring a smooth and successful real estate journey

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Guest Experiences

Dedicated to going above and beyond to craft elevated experiences for guests from private chefs to unforgettable surprises, to a custom guest book in each unit, we add that personal touch to make every stay expectational.

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Home Protection

Your property's safety is our priority which anti-fraud systems in place such as photo ID and face recognition. Our comprehensive home protection services ensure your investment is well-cared-for, providing peace of mind even while you are away

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24/7 Local Care

Always at your service and your guests, our Miami-based team knows the city inside and out. We go above and beyond providing 24/7 local care that's as warm as our tropical climate

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Owners Portal

Stay in control with our exclusive Owner Portal. Access real-time updates on bookings, earnings, and property maintenance, putting the power of your vacation rental at your fingertips

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Housekeeping + Maintenance

Experience peace of mind with our top-notch maintenance and housekeeping services backed by photos. We're dedicated to ensuring that your property is impeccably maintained, leaving both you and your guests with worry-free stays


Smart Home Tech

Cutting-edge smart home technology for a seamless rental experience. From keyless entry to climate control, we ensure your property is not just modern but also secure and efficient

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24/7 Local Care

Always at your service and your guests, our Miami-based team knows the city inside and out. We go above and beyond providing 24/7 local care that's as warm as our tropical climate


Owners Portal

Stay in control with our exclusive Owner Portal. Access real-time updates on bookings, earnings, and property maintenance, putting the power of your vacation rental at your fingertips


Housekeeping + Maintenance

Experience peace of mind with our top-notch maintenance and housekeeping services. We're dedicated to ensuring that your property is impeccably maintained, leaving both you and your guests with worry-free stays

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Smart Home Tech

Cutting-edge smart home technology for a seamless rental experience. From keyless entry to climate control, we ensure your property is not just modern but also secure and efficient

What Our Guests Have to Say:


100% Owner Retention

No Hidden/Added Fees

Risk-Free Guarantee

  • 100% Owner Retention

  • No Hidden/Added Fees

  • Risk-Free Guarantee

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